Ukrainian Science Diaspora

Ukrainian Science Diaspora in Poland

Ukraińska diaspora naukowa w Polsce /Ukrainian science diaspora in Poland

Viktoriіa Hurochkina - President,

Viktoriia Yanovska - Vice President, responsible person for intercultural communications and supportof educational projects,

Halyna Matviienko - Treasurer (financial director), the person responsible for financing and grantingsupport of scientific activities.




tel. +48885035920


Areas of activity:

1) creation of a progressive network of representatives of the Ukrainian scientific, research and expert


2) activities on professional, social and research adaptation of representatives of the Ukrainian

scientific, research and expert community in Poland, promotion of professional development and

improvement of professional qualifications;

3) promotion of opportunities for academic cooperation and career development in Poland and

Ukraine among Ukrainian scientists;

4) restoration and protection of the rights and interests of the Ukrainian scientific and expert

community in Poland;

5) popularization of the achievements of the Ukrainian academic community;

6) actions to strengthen social capital in the scientific community;

7) activities on the integration of the Ukrainian scientific community, experts, teachers, students and

public figures into the European Research Area;

8) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the multicultural academic community of the

European Union, assistance to the Ukrainian community and Ukrainians abroad;

9) support of foreigners in adapting to the labor market, in developing their linguistic and cultural


10) activities on adaptation and integration of persons of Ukrainian nationality into the Polish


11) strengthening the process of Ukraine's integration into the European Union, promoting European

integration and developing contacts and cooperation between societies;

12) promotion of Polish science, education and culture;

13) preserving and spreading national tradition, fostering Polishness and developing national, civic

and cultural consciousness;

14) popularization of Polish culture and search for points of contact with Ukrainian culture;

15) support of multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue;

16) development of key competencies in society;

17) popularization and use of new technologies in the field of science and education, stimulation of the

development of digitalization and promotion of technology transfer;

18) educational, scientific, scientific-pedagogical activities, improving the quality of education;

19) science, higher education, education, training and tutoring;

20) culture, art, protection of cultural values and national heritage;

21) health care, strengthening mental and emotional health;

22) activities for non-governmental organizations and entities specified in Art. 3 point 3 of the Law on

socially useful and volunteer work to the extent determined by points 1 to 25;

23) activities for of the social economy entities and social enterprises specified in the Law from August

5, 2022 about the social economy.

Chapter Events

Scientific picnic in Krakow

22.09.2023 12:00 (Europe/Warsaw)

Conference "Focus on Ukraine"

05.04.2023 09:00 (Europe/Warsaw)


16.03.2023 10:00 (Europe/Warsaw)

"Ukrainian community together"

09.03.2023 09:00 (Europe/Warsaw)

Chapter News

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17 May 2024

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13 May 2024

Легендарна Тайра виступила з чудовою ініціативою народної дипломатії, яка дуже суголосна з науковою

30 April 2024

Шановні представники української наукової діаспори! Запрошуємо взяти участь в Конкурсі експертів Мін

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29 June 2023

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