On December 11, 2023, the First Meeting of the Ukrainian Scientific Diaspora in Austria took place in Vienna. The meeting was attended by more than 20 people who shared their migration stories, work experience in Ukraine, and scientific projects in Austria. At the beginning of the meeting, Iпor Lyman, the co-founder of the Ukrainian Scientific Diaspora, spoke, congratulating the diaspora and emphasizing the significance of this event. He highlighted the importance of this initiative for present-day Ukrainian science and every Ukrainian scientist, regardless of their current location.
In general, during 2 months of initiative work in Austria, it was possible to gather 35 people with the aim of uniting the efforts of Ukrainian scientists from different waves of migration for the reconstruction and development of Ukraine, as well as for a more effective integration of Ukrainian scientists into the global (Austrian) scientific community. Among them are 20% who arrived by February 2022 and have already established an academic career in Austria but still wish to support and promote the development of both Ukrainian science and individual scientists through mentoring. The meeting took place offline within the premises of the partners - FREE PEOPLE School.
Після презентації Української наукової діаспори та знайомства, визначилися із напрямами роботи та подальшим планом дій.
Для тих діаспорян, які приїхали з різних міст Австрії, відбулася екскурсія м. Відень та його Різдвяними ярмарками.