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First event in the series of strategic sessions "Ukrainian Studies in Slavic Studies: Visualisation"

24.07.2023 09:00 (Europe/Kyiv) 10 Peremohy Avenue


The Scholar Support Office together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Centre for International Education" and the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports held the first event in the series of strategic sessions "Ukrainian Studies in Slavic Studies: Visualisation".

The aim of the event was to rethink the place and role of Ukrainian studies in modern Slavic studies, to understand the importance of Ukraine's brand and image in the world.

Areas of work of the strategic session:

Strand 1: Rethinking the structure of contemporary Slavic studies

Strand 2: Representing Ukrainian studies in the world

Strand 3: Visualising Ukraine: the national idea and Ukrainian identity

Strand 4: Decolonisation and the importance of Ukrainian studies in Slavic studies

Mykhailo Vynnytskyi, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, welcomed the participants and outlined the relevance of the strategic sessions.

Among the speakers were Olha Budnyk, Advisor to the Presidential Commissioner for the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports; Uliana Autonomova, Head of the Secretariat of the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports; Mariia Lipiatska, Head of Brand Ukraine; Mariia Protsiuk, Leading Analyst at the Department of Analytical and Research Work and Academic Programmes at the Ukrainian Institute; Igor Lyman, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History and Philosophy at the Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, coordinator of the Scholar Supprt Offica and Alla Atamanenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Centre "Institute of Scientific Diaspora Studies named after Professor Liubomyr Vynar" of the National University of Ostroh Academy.

More than 80 participants , among which scholars, diplomats, university students, representatives of NGOs from Ukraine, Bulgaria and Poland - joined the online discussions and comments.

Moderators of the event: Olesia Vashchuk, Head of the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Head of the Scholar Support Office, Doctor of Law, Professor, and Olena Shapovalova, Director of the Ukrainian State Centre for International Education, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.

The event was coordinated by Olena Polishchuk, Coordinator of the Scholar Support Office of Researcher Support, Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University.

Materials of the event are available at the link

Source: Scholar Support Office


  • Start Date: 24 July 2023 09:00
  • End Date: 24 July 2023 16:00
  • Timezone: Europe/Kyiv


  • Host: Scholar Support Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Centre for International Education" and the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sport
  • Location: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Address: 10 Peremohy Avenue
